Estimating biomarker ordering#

The sampler for the biomarker ordering can be a bit tricker. The simplest way to do it might be to do a Metropolis-Hastings step where you select two indicies and propose swapping their order. Then you can work out the relative probabilities, evaluate and then accept/reject based on that. It’s not the fastest sampler, but it is a lot more straightforward than some ways of doing it.

In the following, we assume we know the actual \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) values. Other than those, we know nothing except for participants’ observed biomarker values. And we want to estimate the current order in which different biomarkers are affected by the disease in question.

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from collections import Counter
from scipy.stats import mode
import math

iterations = 20
burn_in = 10
thining = 2

We only have three columns: biomarker, participant, and measurement.

data = pd.read_csv('data/participant_data.csv')
data['Diseased'] = data.apply(lambda row: row.k_j > 0, axis = 1)
participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not Diseased
455 55 HIP-FCI 2.758306 9 1 affected True
956 56 FUS-FCI -17.902580 3 10 not_affected True
293 93 AB 150.883416 0 3 not_affected False
329 29 P-Tau -74.167021 0 4 not_affected False
646 46 AVLT-Sum 13.066895 1 8 not_affected True
## These are the healthy participants (Participant ID)
non_diseased_participants = list(set(data.loc[data.Diseased == False].participant))
[32, 89, 34, 98, 36, 37, 38, 70, 72, 41, 73, 43, 49, 52, 21, 93, 57, 29]
data_we_have = data.drop(['k_j', 'S_n', 'affected_or_not'], axis = 1)
participant biomarker measurement Diseased
0 0 MMSE 28.812457 True
1 1 MMSE 28.483480 True
2 2 MMSE 27.483507 True
3 3 MMSE 27.886646 True
4 4 MMSE 27.412189 True
theta_phi = pd.read_csv('data/means_stds.csv')
biomarker theta_mean theta_std phi_mean phi_std
0 MMSE 28.0 0.666667 22.0 2.666667
1 ADAS -6.0 1.333333 -20.0 4.000000
2 AB 250.0 50.000000 150.0 16.666667
3 P-Tau -25.0 16.666667 -50.0 33.333333
4 HIP-FCI 5.0 1.666667 -5.0 6.666667
theta_phi_kmeans = pd.read_csv("data/estimate_means_stds_kmeans.csv")
biomarker theta_mean theta_std phi_mean phi_std
0 MMSE 27.749847 1.080606 21.519517 2.052817
1 ADAS -6.848710 2.102802 -20.300459 3.607851
2 AB 264.695750 33.367857 160.509185 24.250826
3 P-Tau -21.009352 16.289284 -70.234372 20.638271
4 HIP-FCI 5.014734 2.034476 -7.668885 3.316033
5 HIP-GMI 0.606567 0.193665 0.080034 0.141308
6 AVLT-Sum 35.518807 10.181715 16.678844 6.135888
7 PCC-FCI 13.109337 2.370943 5.201028 2.594366
8 FUS-GMI 0.592786 0.051816 0.449570 0.046020
9 FUS-FCI -24.399193 3.457663 -14.359324 3.808322
def fill_up_pdata(pdata, k_j):
    '''Fill up a single participant's data using k_j; basically add two columns: 
    k_j and affected
    Note that this function assumes that pdata already has the S_n column
    - pdata: a dataframe of ten biomarker values for a specific participant 
    - k_j: a scalar
    data = pdata.copy()
    data['k_j'] = k_j
    data['affected'] = data.apply(lambda row: row.k_j >= row.S_n, axis = 1)
    return data 
def compute_single_measurement_likelihood(theta_phi, biomarker, affected, measurement):
    '''Computes the likelihood of the measurement value of a single biomarker
    We know the normal distribution defined by either theta or phi
    and we know the measurement. This will give us the probability
    of this given measurement value. 

    - theta_phi: the dataframe containing theta and phi values for each biomarker
    - biomarker: an integer between 0 and 9 
    - affected: boolean 
    - measurement: the observed value for a biomarker in a specific participant

    output: a scalar
    biomarker_params = theta_phi[theta_phi.biomarker == biomarker].reset_index()
    mu = biomarker_params['theta_mean'][0] if affected else biomarker_params['phi_mean'][0]
    std = biomarker_params['theta_std'][0] if affected else biomarker_params['phi_std'][0]
    var = std**2
    likelihood = np.exp(-(measurement - mu)**2/(2*var))/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*var)
    return likelihood
def compute_likelihood(pdata, k_j, theta_phi):
    '''This implementes the formula of
    This function computes the likelihood of seeing this sequence of biomarker values for a specific participant
    data = fill_up_pdata(pdata, k_j)
    likelihood = 1
    for i, row in data.iterrows():
        biomarker = row['biomarker']
        measurement = row['measurement']
        affected = row['affected']
        likelihood *= compute_single_measurement_likelihood(
            theta_phi, biomarker, affected, measurement)
    return likelihood


The above functions can compute the likelihood of a participant’s sequence of biomarker data, given that we know the exact ordering and we assume a k_j. Next, we will test those functions by selecting a specific participant. We compute the likelihood by trying all possible k_j and see whether the one with the highest likelihood is the real k_j in the original data.

p = 15 # we chose this participant
pdata = data[data.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not Diseased
0 15 MMSE 24.517892 2 5 not_affected True
1 15 ADAS -18.979835 2 6 not_affected True
2 15 AB 143.611959 2 3 not_affected True
3 15 P-Tau 51.088494 2 4 not_affected True
4 15 HIP-FCI 4.118586 2 1 affected True
5 15 HIP-GMI 0.127153 2 7 not_affected True
6 15 AVLT-Sum 26.680692 2 8 not_affected True
7 15 PCC-FCI 17.052620 2 2 affected True
8 15 FUS-GMI 0.626659 2 9 not_affected True
9 15 FUS-FCI -13.549434 2 10 not_affected True
# ordering of biomarker affected by the disease
# biomarker: disease stage
# note that the value >= 1
real_ordering_dic = dict(zip(pdata.biomarker, pdata.S_n))
{'MMSE': 5,
 'ADAS': 6,
 'AB': 3,
 'P-Tau': 4,
 'HIP-FCI': 1,
 'HIP-GMI': 7,
 'AVLT-Sum': 8,
 'PCC-FCI': 2,
 'FUS-GMI': 9,
 'FUS-FCI': 10}
# get the participant data without k_j, and affected or not
pdata = data_we_have[data_we_have.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
# obtain real ordering:
pdata['S_n'] = pdata.apply(lambda row: real_ordering_dic[row['biomarker']], axis = 1)
participant biomarker measurement Diseased S_n
0 15 MMSE 24.517892 True 5
1 15 ADAS -18.979835 True 6
2 15 AB 143.611959 True 3
3 15 P-Tau 51.088494 True 4
4 15 HIP-FCI 4.118586 True 1
5 15 HIP-GMI 0.127153 True 7
6 15 AVLT-Sum 26.680692 True 8
7 15 PCC-FCI 17.052620 True 2
8 15 FUS-GMI 0.626659 True 9
9 15 FUS-FCI -13.549434 True 10
# num_biomarkers = len(pdata.biomarker.unique())
# for x in range(num_biomarkers):
#     print(x)
num_biomarkers = len(pdata.biomarker.unique())
# calculate likelihood for all possible k_j
# note that k_j should be 0-10
likelihood_list = [
    compute_likelihood(pdata=pdata, k_j=x, theta_phi=theta_phi) for x in range(num_biomarkers+1)]
kjs = np.arange(11)
dic = dict(zip(kjs, likelihood_list))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dic, orient='index', columns=['likelihood']).reset_index()
df.sort_values('likelihood', ascending=False)
index likelihood
2 2 3.224169e-13
3 3 1.202518e-14
1 1 1.244822e-15
0 0 1.404529e-16
4 4 7.119175e-17
5 5 5.296597e-22
10 10 1.806501e-41
9 9 9.926503e-42
6 6 4.331841e-42
7 7 3.573073e-42
8 8 1.768923e-42

Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Implementation#

Next, we will implement the metropolis-hastings algorithm using the above functions. Note that we are using theta_phi_kmeans and average likelihood (so we do not need to estimate each participant’s exact stage.)

def average_all_likelihood(pdata, num_biomarkers, theta_phi):
    '''This is to compute
    return np.mean([compute_likelihood(pdata=pdata, k_j=x, theta_phi=theta_phi) for x in range(num_biomarkers+1)])
def compute_ln_likelihood_assuming_ordering(ordering_dic, data, num_participants, num_biomarkers, theta_phi):
    """Compute the (ln version of) the likelihood of seeing all participants' data,
    assuming that we already know the ordering
        - ordering: an array of ordering for biomarker 0-9
        - data: data_we_have
        - num_participants
        - num_biomarkers 
        - ln(likelihood)
    # fill up S_n column using the ordering dict
    # copy first in order not to change data_we_have
    filled_data = data.copy()
    filled_data['S_n'] = filled_data.apply(lambda row: ordering_dic[row['biomarker']], axis = 1)
    ln_likelihood = 0 
    for p in range(num_participants):
        pdata = filled_data[filled_data.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
        average_likelihood = average_all_likelihood(pdata, num_biomarkers, theta_phi)
        p_ln_likelihood = (
            # natural logarithm
           if average_likelihood > 0
           # this is to avoid np.log(0)
           else np.log(average_likelihood + 1e-20)
        ln_likelihood += p_ln_likelihood
    return ln_likelihood

A brush up on log:

\(L = P1 \cdot P2 \cdot P3\)

\(\ln(L) = \ln (P1 \cdot P2 \cdot P3) = \ln(P1) + \ln(P2) + \ln(P3)\)

def metropolis_hastings_average_likelihood(data, iterations, burn_in, thining, theta_phi):
    '''Implement the metropolis-hastings algorithm
        - data: data_we_have
        - iterations: number of iterations

        - best_order: a numpy array
        - best_likelihood: a scalar 
    num_participants = len(data.participant.unique())
    num_biomarkers = len(data.biomarker.unique())

    all_dicts = []

    # initialize an ordering and likelihood
    # note that it should be a random permutation of numbers 1-10
    best_order = np.random.permutation(np.arange(1, num_biomarkers+1))
    biomarker_names = np.array(list(data.biomarker.unique()))
    biomarker_best_order_dic = dict(zip(biomarker_names, best_order))

    best_likelihood = -np.inf 
    # best_order = np.array(list(real_ordering_dic.values()))
    # best_likelihood = compute_likelihood_based_on_ordering(
    #     best_order, data, num_participants, num_biomarkers, theta_phi
    # )
    for _ in range(iterations):
        new_order = best_order.copy()
        # randomly select two indices
        a, b = np.random.choice(num_biomarkers, 2, replace=False)
        # swapping the order
        new_order[a], new_order[b] = new_order[b], new_order[a]
        biomarker_new_order_dic = dict(zip(biomarker_names, new_order))
        ln_likelihood = compute_ln_likelihood_assuming_ordering(
            biomarker_new_order_dic, data, num_participants, num_biomarkers, theta_phi)
        # if swapping results in higher likelihood, 
        # update the likelihood and accept the new ordering 
        if ln_likelihood > best_likelihood:
            best_likelihood = ln_likelihood 
            biomarker_best_order_dic = biomarker_new_order_dic
            # ratio = likelihood/best_likelihood
            # np.exp(a - b) = np.exp(a)/np.exp(b)
            acceptance_ratio = np.exp(ln_likelihood - best_likelihood)
            random_number = np.random.rand()
            if random_number < acceptance_ratio:
                best_likelihood = ln_likelihood
                biomarker_best_order_dic = biomarker_new_order_dic

        if _ >= burn_in and _ % thining == 0:
        if (_+1) % 10 == 0:
            print(f"iteration {_ + 1} done")

    return biomarker_best_order_dic, best_likelihood, all_dicts

When ln_likelihood is smaller than best_likelihood, we still conditionally accept ln_likelihood. This is “to allow exploration of the parameter space. This step is crucial in MCMC algorithms to avoid getting stuck in local maxima and to ensure that the sampling covers the entire distribution space adequately”.

Note that the condition is if random_number < acceptance_ratio. This < cannot be changed to >. Why?

When the accepatance_ratio is small, then it indicates ln_likelihood is small. We do not want to accept this ln_likelihood in this case. Because ln_likelihood is small, random_number < acceptance_ratio is less likely than random_number > acceptance_ratio. That’s why we use < rather than >.

biomarker_best_order_dic, best_likelihood, all_dicts = metropolis_hastings_average_likelihood(
    data_we_have, iterations, burn_in, thining, theta_phi = theta_phi_kmeans)
iteration 10 done
iteration 20 done
def get_biomarker_stage_probability(df, num_biomarkers):
    # Create an empty list to hold dictionaries
    dict_list = []

    # for each biomarker
    for col in df.columns:
        dic = {"biomarker": col}
        # get the frequency of biomarkers
        stage_counts = df[col].value_counts()
        # for each stage
        for i in range(1, num_biomarkers + 1):
            # get stage:prabability
            dic[i] = stage_counts.get(i, 0)/len(df)

    dff = pd.DataFrame(dict_list)
    dff.set_index(dff.columns[0], inplace=True)
    return dff 
df = pd.DataFrame(all_dicts)
biomarker_stage_probability_df = get_biomarker_stage_probability(df, num_biomarkers)
sns.heatmap(biomarker_stage_probability_df, annot=True, cmap="Greys", linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={'label': 'Probability'})
plt.title('Heatmap of Biomarkers Involvement in Stages')
{'MMSE': 5,
 'ADAS': 6,
 'AB': 3,
 'P-Tau': 4,
 'HIP-FCI': 1,
 'HIP-GMI': 7,
 'AVLT-Sum': 8,
 'PCC-FCI': 2,
 'FUS-GMI': 9,
 'FUS-FCI': 10}

Estimating Participant Stages#

The above algorithm did not specifically estimate participant stages. It used the average likelihood. But what if we want to know the exact participant stages.

def metropolis_hastings_with_theta_phi_kmeans(
        data_we_have, iterations, theta_phi, non_diseased_participants,
        burn_in, thining, 
    '''Implement the metropolis-hastings algorithm
        - data: data_we_have
        - iterations: number of iterations

        - best_order: a numpy array
        - best_likelihood: a scalar 
    num_participants = len(data_we_have.participant.unique())
    num_biomarkers = len(data_we_have.biomarker.unique())
    num_stages = num_biomarkers + 1

    all_dicts = []

    # initialize an ordering and likelihood
    # note that it should be a random permutation of numbers 1-10
    best_order = np.random.permutation(np.arange(1, num_stages))
    biomarker_names = np.array(list(data_we_have.biomarker.unique()))
    biomarker_best_order_dic = dict(zip(biomarker_names, best_order))

    best_likelihood = -np.inf

    # initialize participant_stages 
    # note that high should be num_stages; otherwise, no participants will be in the stage of 10
    participant_stages = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = num_stages, size = num_participants)
    participant_stages[non_diseased_participants] = 0

    for _ in range(iterations):
        new_order = best_order.copy()
        # randomly select two indices
        a, b = np.random.choice(num_biomarkers, 2, replace=False)
        # swapping the order
        new_order[a], new_order[b] = new_order[b], new_order[a]
        # biomarker - order dict
        ordering_dic = dict(zip(biomarker_names, new_order))
        # fill up S_n column using the ordering dict
        # copy first in order not to change data_we_have
        data = data_we_have.copy()
        # now data_we_have has S_n column
        data['S_n'] = data.apply(lambda row: ordering_dic[row['biomarker']], axis = 1)

        all_participant_ln_likelihood = 0 
        for p in range(num_participants):
            # copy participant_stages 
            participant_stages_copy = participant_stages.copy()
            # this participant data
            pdata = data[data.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)

            """If this participant is not diseased (i.e., if we know k_j is equal to 0)
            We still need to compute the likelihood of this participant seeing this sequence of biomarker data
            but we do not need to estimate k_j like below

            We still need to compute the likelihood because we need to add it to all_participant_ln_likelihood
            if p in non_diseased_participants:
                # the following will update pdata's kj and affect columns
                this_participant_likelihood = compute_likelihood(
                    pdata, k_j = 0, theta_phi = theta_phi)
                this_participant_ln_likelihood = np.log(this_participant_likelihood)
                # initiaze stage_likelihood
                stage_likelihood = np.zeros(num_stages)
                for k_j in range(num_stages):
                    # even though data above has everything, it is filled up by random stages
                    # we don't like it and want to know the true k_j. All the following is to update participant_stages

                    # likelihood for this participant to have this specific sequence of biomarker values
                    participant_likelihood = compute_likelihood(pdata, k_j, theta_phi)

                    # update each stage likelihood for this participant
                    stage_likelihood[k_j] = participant_likelihood
                likelihood_sum = np.sum(stage_likelihood)
                normalized_stage_likelihood = [l/likelihood_sum for l in stage_likelihood]
                sampled_stage = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_stages), p = normalized_stage_likelihood)
                participant_stages_copy[p] = sampled_stage   

                # if participant is at sample_stage, 
                # what is the likelihood of this participant having this sequence of biomarker data:
                this_participant_likelihood =  stage_likelihood[sampled_stage]

                # then, update all_participant_likelihood
                if this_participant_likelihood == 0:
                    this_participant_ln_likelihood = np.log(this_participant_likelihood + 1e20)
                    this_participant_ln_likelihood = np.log(this_participant_likelihood)
            All the codes in between are calculating this_participant_ln_likelihood. If we already know kj=0, then
            it's very simple. If kj is unknown, we need to calculate the likelihood of seeing this sequence of biomarker
            data at different stages, and get the relative likelihood before we get a sampled stage. Then we calculate
            this_participant_ln_likelihood again. 
            all_participant_ln_likelihood += this_participant_ln_likelihood
        The key to both `metropolis_hastings_with_theta_phi_kmeans` and `metropolis_hastings` is to 
        compare best_likelihood and the likelihood of all participants having specific sequences of measurements
        based on the assumed S_n. 

        The difference lies in how to calculate all_participant_ln_likelihood. 

        `metropolis_hastings_with_theta_phi_kmeans` tries to obtain k_j and calculate each likelihood exactly 
        whereas `metropolis_hastings` did not obtain exact k_j and calculate the average likelihood instead
        acceptance_ratio = np.exp(all_participant_ln_likelihood - best_likelihood)
        """Sometimes I will have this warning text when running:
        overflow encountered in exp
        acceptance_ratio = np.exp(all_participant_ln_likelihood - best_likelihood)
        random_number = np.random.rand()
        if random_number < acceptance_ratio:
            best_likelihood = all_participant_ln_likelihood
            biomarker_best_order_dic = ordering_dic
            participant_stages = participant_stages_copy
        if _ >= burn_in and _ % thining == 0:

        if (_+1) % 10 == 0:
            print(f"iteration {_ + 1} done")
    return biomarker_best_order_dic, participant_stages, all_dicts
biomarker_best_order_dic, participant_stages, all_dicts = metropolis_hastings_with_theta_phi_kmeans(
    data_we_have, iterations, theta_phi = theta_phi_kmeans, 
    non_diseased_participants = non_diseased_participants,
    burn_in = burn_in, thining = thining, )
iteration 10 done
iteration 20 done
df = pd.DataFrame(all_dicts)
biomarker_stage_probability_df = get_biomarker_stage_probability(df, num_biomarkers)
sns.heatmap(biomarker_stage_probability_df, annot=True, cmap="Greys", linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={'label': 'Probability'})
plt.title('Heatmap of Biomarkers Involvement in Stages')

Unknown theta and phi#

I found it challenging to infer the ordering of biomarkers affected by the disease without knowing theta and phi. This is because we do not need to know participants’ real disease stage in the formula of; However, without knowing all participants’ disease stages, we are not able to estimate theta and phi.

participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not Diseased
0 0 MMSE 28.812457 5 5 affected True
1 1 MMSE 28.483480 8 5 affected True
2 2 MMSE 27.483507 5 5 affected True
3 3 MMSE 27.886646 9 5 affected True
4 4 MMSE 27.412189 8 5 affected True
actual_stage_dict = dict(zip(data.participant, data.k_j))
actual_stages = np.array(list(actual_stage_dict.values()))
array([ 5,  8,  5,  9,  8,  7,  5,  6,  1,  8,  8,  3,  2,  8,  7,  2,  5,
        6, 10,  2,  5,  0,  7,  5,  4,  4,  8,  6,  5,  0,  1,  3,  0,  2,
        0,  3,  0,  0,  0, 10,  1,  0,  6,  0,  5,  3,  1,  9,  5,  0,  4,
        7,  0,  5,  2,  9,  3,  0, 10,  3,  6,  3,  5,  2,  9,  2,  4,  6,
        7, 10,  0, 10,  0,  0, 10,  8, 10,  4,  7,  4,  9,  9,  7,  6,  7,
        6,  6,  7,  3,  0,  8,  9,  8,  0,  2,  1,  1,  5,  0,  1])
participant biomarker measurement Diseased
0 0 MMSE 28.812457 True
1 1 MMSE 28.483480 True
2 2 MMSE 27.483507 True
3 3 MMSE 27.886646 True
4 4 MMSE 27.412189 True
def estimate_params_exact(m0, n0, s0_sq, v0, data):
    '''This is to estimate means and vars based on conjugate priors
        - data: a vector of measurements 
        - m0: prior estimate of $\mu$.
        - n0: how strongly is the prior belief in $m_0$ is held.
        - s0_sq: prior estimate of $\sigma^2$.
        - v0: prior degress of freedome, influencing the certainty of $s_0^2$.
        - mu estiate, std estimate
    # Data summary
    sample_mean = np.mean(data)
    sample_size = len(data)
    sample_var = np.var(data, ddof=1)  # ddof=1 for unbiased estimator

    # Update hyperparameters for the Normal-Inverse Gamma posterior
    updated_m0 = (n0 * m0 + sample_size * sample_mean) / (n0 + sample_size)
    updated_n0 = n0 + sample_size
    updated_v0 = v0 + sample_size 
    updated_s0_sq = (1 / updated_v0) * ((sample_size - 1) * sample_var + v0 * s0_sq + 
                    (n0 * sample_size / updated_n0) * (sample_mean - m0)**2)
    updated_alpha = updated_v0/2
    updated_beta = updated_v0*updated_s0_sq/2

    # Posterior estimates
    mu_posterior_mean = updated_m0
    sigma_squared_posterior_mean = updated_beta/updated_alpha

    mu_estimation = mu_posterior_mean
    std_estimation = np.sqrt(sigma_squared_posterior_mean)

    return mu_estimation, std_estimation
def get_estimated_means_stds_df(biomarkers, data_we_have, theta_phi_kmeans):
    '''To get estimated parameters, returns a Pandas DataFrame
    - biomarkers: biomarkers 
    - data_we_have: participants data filled with initial or updated participant_stages

    - estimate_means_std_df, just like means_stds_df, containing the estimated mean and std_dev for 
      distribution of biomarker values when the biomarker is affected and not affected

    Note that, there is one bug we need to fix: Sometimes, data_full might have only one observation or no ob
     # empty list of dictionaries to store the estimates 
    means_stds_estimate_dict_list = []
    for biomarker in biomarkers: 
        dic = {'biomarker': biomarker}  # Initialize dictionary outside the inner loop
        for affected in [True, False]:
            data_full = data_we_have[(data_we_have.biomarker == biomarker) & (
            data_we_have.affected == affected)]
            if len(data_full) > 1:
                measurements = data_full.measurement
                mu_estimate, std_estimate = estimate_params_exact(
                    m0 = 0, n0 = 1, s0_sq = 1, v0 = 1, data=measurements)
                if affected:
                    dic['theta_mean'] = mu_estimate
                    dic['theta_std'] = std_estimate
                    dic['phi_mean'] = mu_estimate
                    dic['phi_std'] = std_estimate
            # If there is only one observation or not observation at all, resort to theta_phi_kmeans
            # For example, if a biomarker indicates stage of (num_biomarkers), but all participants' stages
            # are smaller than that stage; so that for all participants, this biomarker is not affected
                # DONT FORGTE RESET_INDEX; this because you are acessing [0]
                theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row = theta_phi_kmeans[
                    theta_phi_kmeans.biomarker == biomarker].reset_index(drop=True)
                if affected:
                    dic['theta_mean'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['theta_mean'][0]
                    dic['theta_std'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['theta_std'][0]
                    dic['phi_mean'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['phi_mean'][0]
                    dic['phi_std'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['phi_std'][0]
        # print(f"biomarker {biomarker} done!")
    estimate_means_stds_df = pd.DataFrame(means_stds_estimate_dict_list)
    return estimate_means_stds_df 
def add_kj_and_affected(data_we_have, participant_stages, num_participants):
    '''This is to fill up data_we_have. 
    Basically, add two columns: k_j, and affected, based on the initial or updated participant_stages
    Note that we assume here we've already got S_n

        - data_we_have
        - participant_stages: np array 
        - participants: 0-99
    participant_stage_dic = dict(zip(np.arange(0,num_participants), participant_stages))
    data_we_have['k_j'] = data_we_have.apply(lambda row: participant_stage_dic[row.participant], axis = 1)
    data_we_have['affected'] = data_we_have.apply(lambda row: row.k_j >= row.S_n, axis = 1)
    return data_we_have 

I am a little bit confused here as to when to update participant_stages. Should it be every time or only when I am updating best_likelihood and best_order_dic?

def metropolis_hastings_unknown_theta_phi(data_we_have, iterations, non_diseased_participants, burn_in, thining, theta_phi_kmeans):
    num_participants = len(data_we_have.participant.unique())
    num_biomarkers = len(data_we_have.biomarker.unique())
    biomarker_names = np.array(list(data_we_have.biomarker.unique()))
    all_dicts = []

    # initialize an ordering and likelihood
    # note that it should be a random permutation of numbers 1-10
    best_order = np.random.permutation(np.arange(1, num_biomarkers+1))
    biomarker_best_order_dic = dict(zip(biomarker_names, best_order))
    best_likelihood = -np.inf 

    # initialize participant_stages 
    # note that high should be num_biomarkers + 1; otherwise, no participants will be in the stage of 10
    participant_stages = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = num_biomarkers+1, size = num_participants)
    participant_stages[non_diseased_participants] = 0

    for _ in range(iterations):
        participant_stages_copy = participant_stages.copy()
        # when we update best_order below,
        # in each iteration, new_order will also update
        new_order = best_order.copy()
        # randomly select two indices
        a, b = np.random.choice(num_biomarkers, 2, replace=False)
        # swaping the order
        new_order[a], new_order[b] = new_order[b], new_order[a]

        # likelihood of seeing all participants' data 
        # biomarker - order dict
        ordering_dic = dict(zip(biomarker_names, new_order))
        # fill up S_n column using the ordering dict
        # copy first in order not to change data_we_have
        data = data_we_have.copy()
        # now data_we_have has S_n column
        data['S_n'] = data.apply(lambda row: ordering_dic[row['biomarker']], axis = 1)

        # add kj and affected based on the initial randomized participant_stages
        data = add_kj_and_affected(data, participant_stages_copy, num_participants)
        # print(data.head())

        # get estimated_theta_phi
        estimated_theta_phi = get_estimated_means_stds_df(biomarker_names, data_we_have=data, theta_phi_kmeans=theta_phi_kmeans)

        all_participant_ln_likelihood = 0 
        for p in range(num_participants):
            # this participant data
            pdata = data[data.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)

            """If this participant is not diseased (i.e., if we know k_j is equal to 0)
            We still need to compute the likelihood of this participant seeing this sequence of biomarker data
            but we do not need to estimate k_j like below

            We still need to compute the likelihood because we need to add it to all_participant_ln_likelihood
            if p in non_diseased_participants:
                this_participant_likelihood = compute_likelihood(
                    pdata, k_j = 0, theta_phi = estimated_theta_phi)
                this_participant_ln_likelihood = np.log(this_participant_likelihood)
                # initiaze stage_likelihood
                stage_likelihood = np.zeros(num_biomarkers + 1)
                for k_j in range(num_biomarkers +1):
                    # even though data above has everything, it is filled up by random stages
                    # we don't like it and want to know the true k_j. All the following is to update participant_stages

                    # likelihood for this participant to have this specific sequence of biomarker values
                    participant_likelihood = compute_likelihood(pdata, k_j, estimated_theta_phi)

                    # update each stage likelihood for this participant
                    stage_likelihood[k_j] = participant_likelihood
                likelihood_sum = np.sum(stage_likelihood)
                normalized_stage_likelihood = [l/likelihood_sum for l in stage_likelihood]
                sampled_stage = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_biomarkers + 1), p = normalized_stage_likelihood)
                participant_stages_copy[p] = sampled_stage   

                # if participant is in sampled_stage, what is the likelihood of seeing this sequence of biomarker data:
                this_participant_likelihood =  stage_likelihood[sampled_stage]

                # then, update all_participant_likelihood
                if this_participant_likelihood == 0:
                    this_participant_ln_likelihood = np.log(this_participant_likelihood + 1e20)
                    this_participant_ln_likelihood = np.log(this_participant_likelihood)
            all_participant_ln_likelihood += this_participant_ln_likelihood
        acceptance_ratio = np.exp(all_participant_ln_likelihood - best_likelihood)
        random_number = np.random.rand()
        if random_number < acceptance_ratio:
            best_likelihood = all_participant_ln_likelihood
            biomarker_best_order_dic = ordering_dic
            participant_stages = participant_stages_copy
        if _ >= burn_in and _ % thining == 0:

        if (_+1) % 10 == 0:
            print(f"iteration {_ + 1} done")
    return biomarker_best_order_dic, participant_stages, all_dicts
biomarker_best_order_dic, participant_stages, all_dicts = metropolis_hastings_unknown_theta_phi(
    data_we_have, iterations, non_diseased_participants, 
    burn_in, thining, theta_phi_kmeans)
iteration 10 done
iteration 20 done
df = pd.DataFrame(all_dicts)
biomarker_stage_probability_df = get_biomarker_stage_probability(df, num_biomarkers)
sns.heatmap(biomarker_stage_probability_df, annot=True, cmap="Greys", linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={'label': 'Probability'})
plt.title('Heatmap of Biomarkers Involvement in Stages')
{'MMSE': 5,
 'ADAS': 6,
 'AB': 3,
 'P-Tau': 4,
 'HIP-FCI': 1,
 'HIP-GMI': 7,
 'AVLT-Sum': 8,
 'PCC-FCI': 2,
 'FUS-GMI': 9,
 'FUS-FCI': 10}