Estimating participants’ disease stages#

Next, I’d get it working with less and less information assumed to be known. You could either start inferring the participant’s stage of disease or the order for biomarkers next. I’d probably do the participant’s state of disease.

For the stage of disease for a participant, I’d do probably derive a gibbs sampling step by calculating each stage’s relative likelihood based on the probabilities of the biomarker values ASSUMING they are at that stage. Then you normalize and sample from that discrete distribution.

Known \(\theta\) and \(\phi\)#

First, let us assume that we know \(\theta\) and \(\phi\). We also know at which disease stage a biomarker is affected (i.e., \(S_n\)). Basically, in the data below, we do not have these two columns: k_j and affected_or_not.

For each participant, I will iterate through all possible stages. For each stage, I will calculate the likelihood of seeing the observed sequence of biomarker values using the following formula:

\[p(X_{j} | S , z_j = 1, k_j) = \prod_{i=1}^{k_j}{p(X_{S(i)j} \mid \theta_n )} \prod_{i=k_j+1}^N{p(X_{S(i)j} \mid \phi_n)}\]
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import re 
import altair as alt 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from scipy.stats import mode

num_iterations = 30
data = pd.read_csv('data/participant_data.csv')
# data.Biomarker = [re.sub("Biomarker ", "", text) for text in data.Biomarker.tolist()]
data['Diseased'] = data.apply(lambda row: row.k_j > 0, axis = 1)
# but remember that we do not know k_j which is what we are trying to estimate. 
participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not Diseased
0 0 MMSE 28.812457 5 5 affected True
1 1 MMSE 28.483480 8 5 affected True
2 2 MMSE 27.483507 5 5 affected True
3 3 MMSE 27.886646 9 5 affected True
4 4 MMSE 27.412189 8 5 affected True
# participant id: stage
actual_participant_stage_dic = dict(zip(data.participant, data.k_j))

participants = data.participant.unique()

# 11 stages in total, [0, 10].
num_stages = len(data.k_j.unique())

# biomarkers
biomarkers = np.array(data.biomarker.unique())

## These are the healthy participants (Participant ID)
non_diseased_participants = list(set(data.loc[data.Diseased == False].participant))
[32, 89, 34, 98, 36, 37, 38, 70, 72, 41, 73, 43, 49, 52, 21, 93, 57, 29]

Note that in participant_data.csv, \(S_n \geq 1\) because \(S_n\) means the disease stage associated with a specific biomarker. \(k_j \geq 0\), indicating that participants may not be in any of the 10 disease stages (i.e., when \(k_j = 0\)).

array([ 5,  6,  3,  4,  1,  7,  8,  2,  9, 10])
array([ 5,  8,  9,  7,  6,  1,  3,  2, 10,  0,  4])
theta_phi = pd.read_csv('data/means_stds.csv')
biomarker theta_mean theta_std phi_mean phi_std
0 MMSE 28.0 0.666667 22.0 2.666667
1 ADAS -6.0 1.333333 -20.0 4.000000
2 AB 250.0 50.000000 150.0 16.666667
3 P-Tau -25.0 16.666667 -50.0 33.333333
4 HIP-FCI 5.0 1.666667 -5.0 6.666667
5 HIP-GMI 0.4 0.233333 0.3 0.333333
6 AVLT-Sum 40.0 15.000000 20.0 6.666667
7 PCC-FCI 12.0 4.000000 5.0 3.333333
8 FUS-GMI 0.6 0.066667 0.5 0.066667
9 FUS-FCI -10.0 3.333333 -20.0 6.000000
theta_phi_kmeans = pd.read_csv("data/estimate_means_stds_kmeans.csv")
biomarker theta_mean theta_std phi_mean phi_std
0 MMSE 27.749847 1.080606 21.519517 2.052817
1 ADAS -6.848710 2.102802 -20.300459 3.607851
2 AB 264.695750 33.367857 160.509185 24.250826
3 P-Tau -21.009352 16.289284 -70.234372 20.638271
4 HIP-FCI 5.014734 2.034476 -7.668885 3.316033
5 HIP-GMI 0.606567 0.193665 0.080034 0.141308
6 AVLT-Sum 35.518807 10.181715 16.678844 6.135888
7 PCC-FCI 13.109337 2.370943 5.201028 2.594366
8 FUS-GMI 0.592786 0.051816 0.449570 0.046020
9 FUS-FCI -24.399193 3.457663 -14.359324 3.808322
def compute_single_measurement_likelihood(theta_phi, biomarker, affected, measurement):
    '''Computes the likelihood of the measurement value of a single biomarker
    We know the normal distribution defined by either theta or phi
    and we know the measurement. This will give us the probability
    of this given measurement value. 

    - theta_phi: the dataframe containing theta and phi values for each biomarker
    - biomarker: a string of biomarker name
    - affected: a boolean 
    - measurement: the observed value for a biomarker in a specific participant

    output: a scalar
    biomarker_params = theta_phi[theta_phi.biomarker == biomarker].reset_index()
    mu = biomarker_params['theta_mean'][0] if affected else biomarker_params['phi_mean'][0]
    std = biomarker_params['theta_std'][0] if affected else biomarker_params['phi_std'][0]
    likelihood = np.exp(-(measurement - mu)**2/(2*std**2))/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*std**2)
    return likelihood
def compute_likelihood(pdata, k_j, theta_phi):
    '''This implementes the formula of
        - pdata: data that belongs to a specific participant
        - k_j: the disease stage the participant is at 
        - theta_phi: a dataframe containing theta and phi means & vars for all biomarkers
        - the likelihood of seeing this sequence of measurements if the participant is at this k_j
    likelihood = 1
    for i, row in pdata.iterrows():
        biomarker = row['biomarker']
        measurement = row['measurement']
        affected = k_j >= row['S_n']
        likelihood *= compute_single_measurement_likelihood(
            theta_phi, biomarker, affected, measurement)
    return likelihood

For all participants#

def update_estimated_participant_stage_dic(num_stages, p, p_data, theta_phi, estimated_participant_stage_dic):
    # initiaze stage_likelihood
    stage_likelihood = np.zeros(num_stages)
    for k in range(num_stages):
        # assume participant is in this stage; compute the likelihood of seeing 
        # this sequence of observed biomarker measurement
        # [0, 10] Note that k CAN be 0
        likelihood = compute_likelihood(p_data, k, theta_phi=theta_phi)
        stage_likelihood[k] = likelihood
    # estimated_participant_stage_dic[p] = np.argmax(stage_likelihood)
    likelihood_sum = np.sum(stage_likelihood)
    normalized_stage_likelihood = [l/likelihood_sum for l in stage_likelihood]
    sampled_stage = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_stages), p = normalized_stage_likelihood)
    estimated_participant_stage_dic[p] = sampled_stage        

If we run the calculation for only once:

estimated_participant_stage_dic = {}
for p in participants:
    p_data = data[data.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
        num_stages, p, p_data, theta_phi, estimated_participant_stage_dic)
estimated_stages_run_once = np.array(list(estimated_participant_stage_dic.values()))
array([ 5,  9,  5,  7,  8,  8,  5,  8,  4,  8,  8,  5,  1,  9,  6,  2,  5,
        6,  7,  1,  5,  0,  8,  5,  4,  5,  8,  6,  5,  0,  1,  3,  0,  0,
        1,  4,  0,  0,  0, 10,  1,  0,  7,  1,  5,  3,  2,  7,  3,  0,  4,
        6,  0,  5,  2,  6,  3,  0, 10,  4,  6,  4,  5,  1,  8,  2,  4,  6,
        7, 10,  0, 10,  0,  0, 10,  8,  7,  4,  7,  4, 10,  9,  6,  7,  7,
        6,  6,  7,  3,  0,  8,  9,  8,  0,  2,  1,  1,  5,  0,  1])

Note that if I run the algorithm once, the sampled_stage might not be the one with highest probability. So I did with multiple iterations. I obtained multiple estimated_participant_stage_dic. Then I used the mode for each participant. However, still, the results are not optimal. I do not understand why.

num_iterations = 5
estimated_participant_stage_dic_list = []

for _ in range(num_iterations):
    estimated_participant_stage_dic = {}
    for p in participants:
        p_data = data[data.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
            num_stages, p, p_data, theta_phi, estimated_participant_stage_dic)
lists_of_values_array = []
for dic in estimated_participant_stage_dic_list:
    values_array = np.array(list(dic.values()))
# np.array(lists_of_values_array)
# mode in each column, axis = 0
estimated_stages_run_multiple_times = mode(np.array(lists_of_values_array), axis=0, keepdims=False).mode
array([ 5,  9,  5,  9,  7,  7,  5,  6,  2,  8,  8,  5,  1,  6,  6,  2,  5,
        6, 10,  2,  5,  0,  6,  5,  4,  5,  8,  7,  5,  0,  1,  4,  0,  1,
        1,  4,  0,  0,  0, 10,  1,  1,  6,  0,  5,  3,  1,  6,  5,  0,  4,
        6,  0,  5,  2,  9,  3,  0, 10,  4,  7,  4,  5,  1,  9,  1,  4,  6,
        7, 10,  0, 10,  0,  0, 10,  8,  6,  4,  6,  4,  9,  9,  6,  7,  6,
        6,  7,  6,  3,  0,  8,  9,  9,  0,  2,  1,  1,  5,  0,  1])
actual_stages = np.array(list(actual_participant_stage_dic.values()))
differences_run_once = estimated_stages_run_once - actual_stages
differences_run_multiple_times = estimated_stages_run_multiple_times - actual_stages
# differences
def scatter_plot_of_stage_differences(stage_differences):
    '''Scatter Plot of the Difference at each index
    - stage_differences: estimated_stages - actual stages. Result should be a 1-dim np array
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    plt.scatter(range(100), stage_differences, alpha=0.6)
    plt.axhline(y=0, color='red', linestyle='--')
    plt.title("Scatter Plot of Stage Difference for Each Participant")
    plt.ylabel("Difference (Estimated Stage - True Stage)")

Let’s compare whether running multiple times is worth it:


From the above figure, it seems that running multiple times may not increase the accuracy.

Cases when our algorithm may not work#

# These are the participants whose results using our algorithm 
# generates different stages than actual stages
non_zero_indices = np.nonzero(differences_run_multiple_times)[0]
p_ids_with_different_results = non_zero_indices
participant_index = np.random.choice(p_ids_with_different_results)
p_data = data[data.participant == participant_index].reset_index(drop=True)
participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not Diseased
0 41 MMSE 16.784208 0 5 not_affected False
1 41 ADAS -18.238085 0 6 not_affected False
2 41 AB 149.003665 0 3 not_affected False
3 41 P-Tau -49.844551 0 4 not_affected False
4 41 HIP-FCI 10.395680 0 1 not_affected False
5 41 HIP-GMI 0.498206 0 7 not_affected False
6 41 AVLT-Sum 24.227311 0 8 not_affected False
7 41 PCC-FCI -3.212796 0 2 not_affected False
8 41 FUS-GMI 0.469877 0 9 not_affected False
9 41 FUS-FCI -19.112203 0 10 not_affected False
num_stages = len(data.k_j.unique())
stage_likelihood = np.zeros(num_stages)
for k in range(num_stages):
    # assume participant is in this stage; compute the likelihood of seeing 
    # this sequence of observed biomarker measurement
    # [0, 10] Note that k CAN be 0
    likelihood = compute_likelihood(p_data, k, theta_phi=theta_phi)
    stage_likelihood[k] = likelihood
p_stage_likelihood_df = pd.DataFrame(stage_likelihood, columns=['likelihood'])
p_stage_likelihood_df.sort_values(by = "likelihood", ascending=False)
0 2.385806e-13
1 7.275879e-14
2 9.120301e-16
3 3.959867e-17
4 2.607301e-17
5 2.445632e-77
7 6.413011e-95
6 4.110069e-95
8 2.004909e-95
9 3.304916e-96
10 1.433729e-97

Unknown \(\theta\) and \(\phi\)#

Suppose we do not have access to the parameters for biomarker value distributions; i.e., we do not know \(\theta\) and \(\phi\).

data_we_have = data.drop(['k_j', 'affected_or_not'], axis = 1)
participant biomarker measurement S_n Diseased
0 0 MMSE 28.812457 5 True
1 1 MMSE 28.483480 5 True
2 2 MMSE 27.483507 5 True
3 3 MMSE 27.886646 5 True
4 4 MMSE 27.412189 5 True

First, we need to fill up data to have the two columns: k_j and affected. We didn’t do that above because we did not need to estimate theta and phi. Now, we have to. And to estimate theta and phi, we need to have the column of affected.

def fill_up_data_we_have(data_we_have, participant_stages, participants):
    '''This is to fill up data_we_have. 
    Basically, add two columns: k_j, and affected, based on the initial or updated participant_stages
    Essentially, all we do below is to get the most accurate participant_stages

    Note: we do not have the real participant_stages right now. 
        - data_we_have
        - participant_stages: np array 
        - participants: 0-99
    participant_stage_dic = dict(zip(np.arange(0,len(participants)), participant_stages))
    data_we_have['k_j'] = data_we_have.apply(lambda row: participant_stage_dic[row.participant], axis = 1)
    data_we_have['affected'] = data_we_have.apply(lambda row: row.k_j >= row.S_n, axis = 1)
    return data_we_have 
def estimate_params_exact(m0, n0, s0_sq, v0, data):
    '''This is to estimate means and vars based on conjugate priors
        - data: a vector of measurements 
        - m0: prior estimate of $\mu$.
        - n0: how strongly is the prior belief in $m_0$ is held.
        - s0_sq: prior estimate of $\sigma^2$.
        - v0: prior degress of freedome, influencing the certainty of $s_0^2$.
        - mu estiate, std estimate
    # Data summary
    sample_mean = np.mean(data)
    sample_size = len(data)
    sample_var = np.var(data, ddof=1)  # ddof=1 for unbiased estimator

    # Update hyperparameters for the Normal-Inverse Gamma posterior
    updated_m0 = (n0 * m0 + sample_size * sample_mean) / (n0 + sample_size)
    updated_n0 = n0 + sample_size
    updated_v0 = v0 + sample_size 
    updated_s0_sq = (1 / updated_v0) * ((sample_size - 1) * sample_var + v0 * s0_sq + 
                    (n0 * sample_size / updated_n0) * (sample_mean - m0)**2)
    updated_alpha = updated_v0/2
    updated_beta = updated_v0*updated_s0_sq/2

    # Posterior estimates
    mu_posterior_mean = updated_m0
    sigma_squared_posterior_mean = updated_beta/updated_alpha

    mu_estimation = mu_posterior_mean
    std_estimation = np.sqrt(sigma_squared_posterior_mean)

    return mu_estimation, std_estimation

There is one issue we need to fix, i.e., when there is only one observation in data_full:

participant_stages = np.array([ 6,  5,  3,  4,  8,  8,  6,  0,  9,  4,  7,  8,  8,  2,  2,  4,  8,
        2,  6,  5,  7,  3,  4,  6,  7,  8,  0,  0,  5,  7,  2,  9,  0, 10,
        1,  7,  3,  3,  7,  2,  0,  6,  4,  0,  2,  0,  8,  6,  5,  7,  6,
        9,  8,  3,  7,  9,  6,  9,  8,  9,  9,  1,  0,  5,  2,  7,  5,  7,
        8,  8,  7,  5,  6,  9,  3,  5,  2,  3,  5,  1,  8,  7,  3,  5,  7,
        0,  7,  4,  3,  6,  5,  0,  2,  0,  4,  1,  5,  1,  6,  1])
data_we_have = data.drop(['k_j', 'affected_or_not'], axis = 1)
data_we_have = fill_up_data_we_have(data_we_have, participant_stages, participants)
data_full = data_we_have[(data_we_have.biomarker == "FUS-FCI") & (data_we_have.affected == True)]
participant biomarker measurement S_n Diseased k_j affected
933 33 FUS-FCI -26.125547 10 True 10 True

How to fix this issue? We have to rely on estimated_means_stds_kmeans.csv.

biomarker theta_mean theta_std phi_mean phi_std
0 MMSE 27.749847 1.080606 21.519517 2.052817
1 ADAS -6.848710 2.102802 -20.300459 3.607851
2 AB 264.695750 33.367857 160.509185 24.250826
3 P-Tau -21.009352 16.289284 -70.234372 20.638271
4 HIP-FCI 5.014734 2.034476 -7.668885 3.316033
5 HIP-GMI 0.606567 0.193665 0.080034 0.141308
6 AVLT-Sum 35.518807 10.181715 16.678844 6.135888
7 PCC-FCI 13.109337 2.370943 5.201028 2.594366
8 FUS-GMI 0.592786 0.051816 0.449570 0.046020
9 FUS-FCI -24.399193 3.457663 -14.359324 3.808322
theta_phi_kmeans[theta_phi_kmeans.biomarker == 'MMSE']['theta_mean'][0]
def get_estimated_means_stds_df(biomarkers, data_we_have, theta_phi_kmeans):
    '''To get estimated parameters, returns a Pandas DataFrame
    - biomarkers: biomarkers 
    - data_we_have: participants data filled with initial or updated participant_stages

    - estimate_means_std_df, just like means_stds_df, containing the estimated mean and std_dev for 
      distribution of biomarker values when the biomarker is affected and not affected

    Note that, there is one bug we need to fix: Sometimes, data_full might have only one observation or no ob
     # empty list of dictionaries to store the estimates 
    means_stds_estimate_dict_list = []
    for biomarker in biomarkers: 
        dic = {'biomarker': biomarker}  # Initialize dictionary outside the inner loop
        for affected in [True, False]:
            data_full = data_we_have[(data_we_have.biomarker == biomarker) & (
            data_we_have.affected == affected)]
            if len(data_full) > 1:
                data = data_full.measurement
                mu_estimate, std_estimate = estimate_params_exact(
                    m0 = 0, n0 = 1, s0_sq = 1, v0 = 1, data=data)
                if affected:
                    dic['theta_mean'] = mu_estimate
                    dic['theta_std'] = std_estimate
                    dic['phi_mean'] = mu_estimate
                    dic['phi_std'] = std_estimate
            # If there is only one observation, resort to theta_phi_kmeans
                theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row = theta_phi_kmeans[theta_phi_kmeans.biomarker == biomarker]
                if affected:
                    dic['theta_mean'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['theta_mean'][0]
                    dic['theta_std'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['theta_std'][0]
                    dic['phi_mean'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['phi_mean'][0]
                    dic['phi_std'] = theta_phi_kmeans_biomarker_row['phi_std'][0]
        # print(f"biomarker {biomarker} done!")
    estimate_means_stds_df = pd.DataFrame(means_stds_estimate_dict_list)
    return estimate_means_stds_df 

Randomized initilization#

A potential bug occurs here: suppose in one iteration, among participant_stages, there is only one participant whose stage is \(10\). In this situation, biomarker FUS-FCI which corresponses to stage 10, has only one measurement for affected==True, and we cannot obtain the std of FUS-FCI.

# initialize participant_stages 
# num_stages = 11 as earlier defined
participant_stages = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = num_stages, size = len(participants))

# this is what we already know
participant_stages[non_diseased_participants] = 0
def count_10s(array):
    """Count how many 10 are in an array
    return np.count_nonzero(array == 10)

def df_contains_nan(df):
    """check whether a dataframe contains nan 
    return df.isnull().values.any()
for i in range(num_iterations):
    # print(f"Number of participants in stage 10: {count_10s(participant_stages)}")
    # fill up data_we_have with the current participant_stages
    data_we_have = fill_up_data_we_have(data_we_have, participant_stages, participants)
    estimated_means_stds_df = get_estimated_means_stds_df(biomarkers, data_we_have, theta_phi_kmeans)
    # print(f"There are nan values in estimated_means_stds_df: {df_contains_nan(estimated_means_stds_df)}")
    for p in participants:
        # update participant_stages ONLY IF we do NOT know its k_j
        if p not in non_diseased_participants:
            p_data = data_we_have[data_we_have.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
            # initiaze stage_likelihood
            stage_likelihood = np.zeros(num_stages)
            # note that it should be [0, 10]
            for k in range(num_stages):
            # [0, 10] Note that k CAN be 0
                likelihood = compute_likelihood(p_data, k, theta_phi = estimated_means_stds_df)
                stage_likelihood[k] = likelihood
            likelihood_sum = np.sum(stage_likelihood)
                normalized_stage_likelihood = [l/likelihood_sum for l in stage_likelihood]
            sampled_stage = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_stages), p = normalized_stage_likelihood)
            participant_stages[p] = sampled_stage   
    # print(i)      
    if (i+1) % 10 == 0:
        print(f"iteration {i + 1} done")
# estimated_means_stds_df = get_estimated_means_stds_df(biomarkers, data_we_have)
# estimated_means_stds_df

Result after gibbs sampling#

estimated_stages = participant_stages
actual_stages = np.array(list(actual_participant_stage_dic.values()))
differences = estimated_stages - actual_stages

Trying initializing participant stages as the actual stages#

We can see that if we initlize participant stages as the actual stages, the result is much better.

participant_stages = actual_stages
for i in range(num_iterations):
    # fill up data_we_have with current participant_stages
    data_we_have = fill_up_data_we_have(data_we_have, participant_stages, participants)
    estimated_means_stds_df = get_estimated_means_stds_df(biomarkers, data_we_have, theta_phi_kmeans)
    for p in participants:
        p_data = data_we_have[data_we_have.participant == p].reset_index(drop=True)
        # initiaze stage_likelihood
        stage_likelihood = np.zeros(num_stages)
        # note that it is [0, 10]
        for k in range(num_stages):
            likelihood = compute_likelihood(p_data, k, theta_phi = estimated_means_stds_df)
            stage_likelihood[k] = likelihood
        likelihood_sum = np.sum(stage_likelihood)
        normalized_stage_likelihood = [l/likelihood_sum for l in stage_likelihood]
        sampled_stage = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_stages), p = normalized_stage_likelihood)
        participant_stages[p] = sampled_stage         
    if (i+1) % 10 == 0:
        print(f"iteration {i + 1} done")
estimated_stages = participant_stages
actual_stages = np.array(list(actual_participant_stage_dic.values()))
differences = estimated_stages - actual_stages


It seems that:

  1. Having the actual participant stages as the initial stage won’t help the final result a lot.

  2. Having 100 iterations won’t generate a much better result than having 10 iterations.